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    • CCDI 864

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    • Cancer Moonshot Biobank 244

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    • COVID-19 2077

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    • CPTAC 2146

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    • Community 15743

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    • FDA 3001

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    • HTAN 68

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    • ICDC 80

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    • MIDI 42

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    • NCI Trials 29868

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    • NCTN 500

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    • NIH Initiatives 971

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    • NLM 2

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    • PDMR 298

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    • QIBA 1

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    • QIN 144

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    • RIDER 288

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    • TCGA 11050

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This cohort includes collections with limited access. The DICOM files of these collections are not publicly available


Why do the pie charts sometimes show attribute values that were not selected?


Qualitative Analysis

Quantitative Analysis

Why do the pie charts sometimes show attribute values that were not selected?


Collection Name Total # of Cases # of Cases(this cohort)

Selected Cases

Collection Name Case ID Total # of Studies Total # of Series

Selected Studies

Case ID Study Instance UID Study Date Study Description # of Series View

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Study Instance UID Series Instance UID Series Number Modality Body Part Examined Series Description View